Was a dissertator at the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2004-2009. On October 2009, defended dissertation titled “Moral aspects of ethno-political conflicts” and earned Ph.D degree in philosophy.
From 2010 on he is a doctoral candidate at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and is currently in the preparation phase for defending doctoral degree in political sciences for his scientific work “Union of Turkic States: Eurasian Model of Global Integration”.
His book “Ethno-political conflicts in the Caucasus and their influence to the state independence” was published in English in 2002.
Popular science book “Peace Philosophy” was released in 2008.
“Union of Turkic States: Eurasian Model of Global Integration”, his monograph was published first in Azerbaijani language in 2013. In the following years it was published in Turkish, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Bosnian and Hungarian languages.
Five-volume edition “Turkic World” was published in 2017.
Translated into Azerbaijani and published French historian George de Maleville’s book “1915 Armenian Tragedy” in 2015.
Translated into Azerbaijani and published Nobel Prize winner French writer Patrick Modiano’s novel “La Place de l'Étoile” in 2016.
Translated into Azerbaijani French writer Jean-Christophe Rufin’s novel “Le Grand Cœur” in 2018.
Last 10 years his more than 60 scientific articles were published in various Azerbaijani, Turkish, American, Kazakh, Ukrainian and Russian scientific publications.
He is author of more than 100 historical and philosophical, social and political articles.
Speaks Azerbaijani, Russian, Turkish, French and English fluently.